Mise à jour le 26 août 2022
Publié le 25 janvier 2022 Mis à jour le 26 août 2022


Royce Anders

Maître de conférences - Habilitation à diriger des recherches

Mes domaines de prédilections :
  • Machine Learning et Modélisation
  • Neurophysiologie, Mesures Biologiques et Comportementales
  • Psychométrie et Approches Bayésiennes
  • Informatique et Programmation
  • Troubles et Psychologie Clinique
  • Amorçage et interférence sémantique dans l'activation, sélection et articulation des mots 
  • Déchiffrage d'activités neurales (séries temporelles) et aires cérébrales pendant la production de langage
  • Analyses differentielles des patients épileptiques et cérébrolésés pendant leurs processus langagiers
  • Syndrome de stress post-traumatique et l'épuisement professionnel
  • Troubles de sommeil, TDAH et dyslexie chez l'enfant
  • Psychométrie de la prise de décision (micro- ou macro-décisions)
  • Modélisation et identification de profils cognitifs distincts (cognitive model-based clustering)
  • Machine Learning, modélisations simultanées de plusieurs mesures chez l'homme
  • Master 2 : Analyses avancées et modélisation (R)
  • Master 2 : Apprentissage machine (Python/R)
  • Master 2 : Bibli/Recherche et Anglais Scientifique
  • Master 1 : Apprentissage automatique et modélisation (Python)
  • Master 1 : Méthodologie de la recherche et analyse informatisée des données (R)
  • Master 1 : Analyses statistiques avancées (R)
  • Licence 3 : Statistiques
  • Licence 2 : Statistiques
  • Licence 2 : Langage et Modélisation
  • Licence 2 : Informatique et programmation (Python)
Publications récentes

Cavalli, E., Anders, R., Chaussoy, L., Herbillon, V., Franco, P., Putois, B (2021). Screen exposure exacerbates ADHD symptoms indirectly through increased sleep disturbance. Sleep Medicine, in press.

Leloup, G., Anders R., Charlet, V., Eula-Fantozzi, B., Fossoud, C., & Cavalli, E. (2021). Improving reading skills in children with dyslexia: efficacy studies on a newly-proposed remedial intervention intervention--repeated reading with vocal music masking (RVM). Annals of Dyslexia, in press.

Weindel, G., Anders, R., Alario, F. X., & Burle, B. (2020). Assessing model-based inferences in decision making with single-trial response time decomposition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Syssau, A., Monnier, C., Yakhloufi, A., Guidicelli, E., Anders, R. (2020). French Affective Norms for ten emotional Categories FANCat. Behavior Research Methods, 1-19.

Anders, R., Llorens, A., Dubarry, A-S., Trébuchon, A., Liégeois-Chauve, C., & Alario, F.X. (2019). Cortical Dynamics of Semantic Priming and Interference During Word Production: An Intracerebral Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,31(7), 978-1001.

Anders, R., & Alario, F. X. (2019). Challenges to developing time-based signal detection models for word production. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 36(1), 85-88.

Anders, R., van Maanen, L., & Alario, F. X. (2019). Multi-Factor Analysis in Language Production: Sequential Sampling Models Mimic and Extend Regression Results. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1-31.
Anders, R., Oravecz, Z., & Alario, F. X., (2018). Improved Information Pooling for Hierarchical Cognitive Models through Multiple and Covaried Regression. Behavior Research Methods, 50(3), 989-1010.

Anders, R., Alario, F. X., & Batchelder, W. H. (2018). Consensus Analysis for Populations With Latent Subgroups: Applying Multicultural Consensus Theory and Model-Based Clustering With CCTpack. Cross-Cultural Research, 52(3), 274–308.

Anders, R., Hinault, T., & Lemaire, P. (2018). Heuristics versus Direct Calculation, and Age-related Differences in Arithmetic: Latent Variable Analysis in Cognitive Arithmetic with Sequential Sampling Models. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(1), 18-34.

Anders, R., Riès, S., van Maanen, L., & Alario, F. X. (2017). Lesions to the left lateral prefrontal cortex impair decision threshold adjustment for lexical selection. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 34(1-2), 1-20.

Popov, V., Histrova, P., & Anders, R. (2017). The relational luring effect: retrieval of relational information during associative recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(5), 1–34.

Anders, R., Alario, F. X., & van Maanen, L. (2016). The shifted Wald distribution for response time data analysis. Psychological Methods, 21(3), 309–327. 

Anders, R., Riès, S., van Maanen, L., & Alario, F. X. (2015). Evidence accumulation as a model for lexical selection. Cognitive Psychology, 82, 57–73. 

Anders, R., & Batchelder, W. H. (2015). Cultural consensus theory for the ordinal data case. Psychometrika, 80(1), 151–181.

Oravecz, Z., Anders, R. & Batchelder, W. H. (2015). Hierarchical Bayesian modeling for test theory without an answer key. Psychometrika, 80(2), 341–364.

Anders, R., Oravecz, Z., & Batchelder, W. H. (2014). Cultural consensus theory for continuous responses: A latent appraisal model for information pooling. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 61, 1–13.

Anders, R., & Batchelder, W. H. (2012). Cultural consensus theory for multiple consensus truths. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56, 452–469.

Batchelder, W. H., & Anders, R. (2012). Cultural consensus theory: Comparing different concepts of cultural truth. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56, 316–332.

Publications et communication de logiciels

2017-2019 [Royce Anders] LABEX Brain and Language Research Institute (BLRI), Decrypting cognitive and neurophysiological mechanisms of lexical selection, France

2014-2017 [F.-Xavier Alario] ERC European Research Council, Lexical information processes and their spatio-temporal dynamics, France
